Payment Options

Payment Options

Payment Options

Here are the payment methods you can use:
You can click on each to check details

  1. Skrill (Credit Card Payment)
  2. Bitcoins
  3. West-ern Un-ion
  4. Xoom (A PayPal Service)
  5. epayment wallet
  6. AliPay

Other Methods Includes 

  • Online transfer bank of America
  • serve2serve
  • Neteller
  • Wallmart2wallmart
  • Cash deposit-USA Only
  • Webmoney
  • Cash by mail
  • E-Transfer

How to Send Money With Skrill (Credit Card) 

Click here credit-card-payment-skrill/


Xoom (A PayPal Service) allow you to make payment through your PayPal account or Credit Card.

How to send Xoom with Images



Bitcoin is our primary payment method as it left no traces for feds to track. This is most secure payment method for purchase of online medication. We also offer 20% discount on bitcoin. We offer 10% discount on West-ern Uni-on.

What is Bitcoin?

Watch this YouTube Video

You can buy bitcoins with your Credit Card and PayPal. It may take you 24 hours to confirm your purchase of bitcoins. There are 2 recommended websites to buy Bitcoins.

You can watch this YouTube Video to help.


If you have any further questions you can always send us email [email protected] or you can join us on Chat 8 AM to 4 PM Pacific Time.
